So many things happened to me in 2010 and it was a bad year for me. Our house was caught on fire last April 30, 2010, we really lost everything and I mean everyTHING. Despite that incident, I am still thankful to God that my family is safe and nobody got hurt. We're temporarily staying at my father inlaw's house.
Last June 2010, my grandmother died due to Sepsis, she was bed-ridden for 2 years due to stroke and many other complications. We're all glad that she has finally rested and free from all that pain.
Careerwise I made a lot of bad decisions, but I finally got the job I wanted last August 30, 2010 when I became a Technical Support Specialist for an IT Company. As an IT graduate I have always dreamed of becoming a Systems Administrator, now I am several steps closer to that.
Last November 2010, I started blogging and this time I really had something to blog about. I found wonderful fellow beauty bloggers and awesome readers. Blogging has become a productive past time for me and in a way has helped some of my friends learn about putting on makeup.
My Husband and I ended the year 2010 by visiting Sto. Nino Church here in Cebu last December 27.
Our new house is about to be completed and is on its final stages. We're moving in to our new house this weekend January 8, 2011. Yeeppee!
God Bless Everyone and Happy New Year!